Parvati's husband dies but she is supported by her devoted son, however he
leaves her to go and study in the city. There, he falls for Padma the d
daughter of a wealthy businessman, who does not approve of their coupling
and so they are forced to run away and marry. They return to Parvati who
is delighted to have her son back and welcomes her new daughter-in law but
soon finds her spoilt rich girl too much to bare.
Genre/Thema: Bollywood / Indian Films
Tonformat: in der Originalsprache mit englischen Untertiteln Bildformat: Untertitel: in der Originalsprache mit englischen Untertiteln
Ländercode: 2
Altersklasse: PG
Bestellnummer: YRD0102
Preis: 17.- EUR
oder meinen Lieben gleich jetzt schon zeigen... :)
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