Joe Gillis is floating face down in a swimming pool as the homicide squad
arrives. Six months previously, unable to sell a script or borrow from any-
one, he pulled into 10086 Sunset Boulevard to hide from men who wanted to
repossess his car. The owner of the mansion is Norma Desmond, faded star of
the silent era. Under the illusion that millions of fans still adore her,
Norma is planning a comeback playing the lead in her own screenplay
'Salome'. When she finds out Joe is a writer she wants him to help her with
the script...
Genre/Thema: Drama
Tonformat: english Bildformat:
Ländercode: 2
Altersklasse: PG
Bestellnummer: PHE8066
Laufzeit: ca. 106 Min.
Preis: 22.- EUR
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