

von Michael McCabe mit einem Vorwort von Don Ed Hardy.

Das Buch - Kustom Japan - ist eine faszinierende Innenansicht der Kustom Kultur Szene in Japan. Inspiriert durch kalifornische Motorrad- und Autokultur werden mit japanischer Präzision und Kunstfertigkeit fantastische Werke geschaffen.

Erstauflage, Gebundenes Buch (NEU)
192 Seiten, Maße: 28.5 x 22.5cm, Gewicht 1,15 kg
2008, Hardy Marks Publications
Texte: Englisch & Japanisch mit einem Vorwort von Don Ed Hardy.

California popular culture has deeply impacted the world throughout the 20th century, and the East/West dialog provides inexhaustible ground for inspiration. Today, the cultural stylizations of hot rod and kustom kulture are part of a nostalgic mystique that is being adopted by a growing number of young people in Japan, who see Kustom Kulture as transcedent, powerful, and most importantly, defining. The Japanese visionaries represented in this book continue to embrace, digest, perfect and transform powerful sub- and mainstream realms of expression. Mike McCabe's photographs and words are a fresh and amazing testament to this process of reinvention.

An east-meets-west blend of Kustom Kulture, Southern California and Japan. The book is presented exceptionally well, much in the same essence as this unique and thriving genre. Michael McCabe has successfully blended two cultures as one, two languages (Japanese and English text) in print along with full color photographs that capture and present Kustom Japan.

sofort lieferbar

Auswahl: Menge

Bestellnummer: ISBN-9780945367352

34.- EUR

(inklusive Mehrwertsteuer, zzgl. Versandkosten)

In den Warenkorb

Alle Buchthemen: Art |  Design |  Diverse |  Mini |  Movies |  Musik |  Photography |  Subculture |  Tattoo |  Thomas Ott | Neuheiten | Hauptseite

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