Events 40 Years Of Punk

Deutsch Infos: Intro | Programme | Produits | Press

Cité: Bâle | Bienne | Saint Gall | Zoug

40 Years Of Punk

Samedi 19.11.2016 Zoug - Galvanik

Samedi 19 novembre 2016 au Galvanik Zoug avec les Lurkers (UK), Vorwärts (CH) et les héros locaux Delilahs'77.
Le vernissage de l'exposition photos des Ramones aura lieu en présence de George Dubose.

  • Porte:              à 19h00
  • Delilahs'77      à 21h00
  • Vorwärts          à 22h00
  • The Lurkers     à 23h00

  • Centre Cultural Galvanik
    Chamerstrasse 173
    6300 Zoug
    Tel: 041 558 61 66
    Deliahs' 77


    Deliahs' 77 1-2-3-4! If you’ve ever got a taste of good old ’77-punkrock, you’ll never get away of it. That’s why Delilahs'77 will play this nigth a short and furious set of their most favourite punk-rock songs ever. Playing only few gigs at special clubs and events, Delilahs'77 has become more than just a fun project.
    It’s a dedication to all the punk heroes and heroines of the early years of this fantastic music and culture. The Clash, The Damned, Sham 69, The Buzzcocks, The Lurkers, Ramones, The Skids, X-Ray Spex and many more of these unforgetable acts are being played in the ’77-set.

    Hey ho, let’s go!

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